Sailling green
Marina Gran Canaria

Energy consumption
We regularly track energy consumption to measure our ecological footprint and work on a plan to continuously reduce it. Among other, we use a heat recovery system from our air conditioning to heat the pool water, we use individually controlled thermostats in the rooms of our sailors so that they can regulate the room temperature individually and we use LED lighting throughout the complex with twilight sensors.

Green areas & 0 Paper
We have green areas, care for biodiversity, and collaborate with Oceans4Life in beach clean-ups. We've reduced paper consumption to zero, optimizing time, improving data quality, digitizing supplier relationships, and offering electronic invoicing for more efficient customer service.

Reducing plastic
We bet on generating as little plastic as possible. We have refillable bottles for hotel staff, exchange plastic bottles for glass bottles and use biodegradable materials in single-use containers. "Furthermore, we participate in and support the project of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria for 'Trash-Free Oceans,' liberating our oceans from waste and pollution."

Eco Label Products
We offer organic cosmetics as amenities in our hotel by collaborating with ADA Cosmetics to support sustainable actions and fair trade. Furthermore we use eco label cleaning products.

We understand recycling as a habit that cannot be abandoned because one is on vacation. On the other hand, we believe that it is an opportunity to share values to people who come from different countries, different ages and who for a few days live in a space away from the place they like best, their home. Marina Gran Canaria wants to extend the value of recycling. That's why we've created a recycling plan that includes staff training and regular reviews. We recycle paper, plastic, glass, cardboard bulbs, batteries and chemicals.

Art & Culture
Marina Gran Canaria understands that bringing to our sailors the local culture in all its forms is a differential value that builds culture, economy and a stronger link with the islands; culture in the form of music, artisanal markets with local products, gastronomy, art exhibitions and the best tips to enrich your stay.

Biosphere Award
The hotels of Marina Gran Canaria have been honored with multiple awards for their dedication and endeavors in providing customers with environmentally sustainable products, all while maintaining an unwavering commitment to quality. Their recent receipt of the prestigious "Biosphere" award stands as a testament to their dedication to sustainability and the environment. Thank you for being a part of this achievement and choosing us!

Giving material a second life
The use of materials that were to be discarded and that thanks to Marina Gran Canaria have a second life have a huge presence throughout both hotels: Similarly the materials chosen in the daily use of Marina Suites and Marina Bayview are 100% natural, environmentally friendly and therefore they minimize the ecological footprint. Furthermore we organise regularly trainings for our staff to promote the reuse of bed linens and towels.

Human Rights Policy
The human rights policy reflects Marina Gran Canaria's commitment to carrying out its activities in a manner consistent with these principles and to protect human rights within the company's sphere of influence. The company demonstrates global leadership in responsible workplace practices and strives to conduct its business operations in a manner free from complicity in human rights abuses.